I'm new to SQL so I don't know the correct wordings, sorry for that.
When I establish a connection with dbConnect
of the DBI package, I can list all tables of the database:
> head(dbListTables(conn))
[1] "cdw_apps" "cdw_attachments"
[3] "cdw_auditLogs" "cdw_blueprints"
[5] "cdw_businessObjects" "cdw_businessObjectsActions"
However I can't access directly to these tables, they are nested (in some kind of "folders", I don't know the wording, again).
For example I have to do:
"select top 100 * from [vxda-prod-sqldw01].[vxrd_cdw].[cdw_apps]"
Is it possible to list the tables with their "path" (I mean [vxda-prod-sqldw01].[vxrd_cdw].[cdw_apps]
and not only cdw_apps
Most databases support information_schema.tables
(and .columns
, .routines
, and others I believe), and SQL Server is among them. While there are newer object-discovery tables/mechanisms specifically in T-SQL, these still work and are sufficient for this need.
For instance,
DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, "select * from information_schema.tables")
# 1 mycatalog dbo table1 BASE TABLE
# 2 mycatalog dbo table2 BASE TABLE
# 3 mycatalog dbo someview VIEW
will return all tables (and views) visible.