I'm writing my first Qt Quick application and I'm having lots of trouble doing things that are simple in other environments. I want to display n random images from a folder. For this purpose I'm using FolderListModel, but the trouble is that I don't see any methods to access list of files directly. So here's my hackish approach:
I have many problems and questions, but first of all, what is the sane way to do this (please make it so that the list part doesn't have to be written in c++)?
There are 2 problems for now - I can't figure out how to access the ListModel from Text component; and I can' t figure out how to make the ListModel public/accessible from another component that will display the images.
Below is the code:
import QtQuick 1.0
import Qt.labs.folderlistmodel 1.0
ListView {
width: 200; height: 300
FolderListModel {
folder: "file:///C:/somefolder"
id: folderModel
nameFilters: ["*.jpg"]
Component {
id: fileDelegate
Text { id: intext
text: fileName
//the next line fails, Can't find variable: anotherModel
onTextChanged: anotherModel.append([{name: intext.text}]
model: folderModel
delegate: fileDelegate
ListModel {
id: anotherModel
Your code almost works for me. I get the error "QML ListModel: append: value is not an object". This is because you append arrays. If you remove the brackets in line
anotherModel.append([{name: intext.text}])
it works. To make anotherModel a public property write it as
property ListModel anotherModel: ListModel {}