Fairly basic question but I cannot seem to figure out what the problem is!
I am looking to use conditional formatting to colour a figure red or green depending on whether it is under or over he target which is set in a cell. There is the possibility of the target changing so I am keen to not include the target figure in the conditional formatting iteself.
In the below example I have the conditional formatting set to show in columns F-W if the figure is less than the figure in E change to green. In the highlighted (2nd set of data) you can see that column L, U & W are all less yet they are not green and that column G & J are more than yet they have turned green!
when you use a multiple cell range in "Apply to range" and want to reference a single cell in "Format rules", you usually want to use absolute references for column, row or both.
In your case you must use =$E5 instead of =E5