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Calling interface method in razor page throws unhandled exception

Unhandled exception rendering component:

Cannot provide a value for property _accountService on type Inventory_Management.Client.Pages.Authentication.Login. There are no registered service of type Inventory_Management.Shared.Services.AccountService.


  public interface IAccountService
        Task<IResult> Login(Identity model);
    public class AccountService : IAccountService
        public async Task<IResult> Login(Identity model){}


@inject IAccountService _accountService;
private async Task Submit()
        var result = await _accountService.Login(userlogin); // Unhandled exception

Followed the Github sample, it doesn't have any scope in the startup class.


Client-> Pages-> Authentication-> Login.razor.cs
Infrastructure-> Identity-> Authentication->IAuthenticationManager
Server-> Extensions -> ServiceCollectionExtension.cs
startup.cs -> services.AddServerLocalization();


  • You need to have IAccountService (in the example you are trying to follow - see ServiceExtensions.AddIdentityInfrastructure and call to it in the Startup class) registered, for example with;

    services.AddScoped<IAccountService, AccountService>(); // also you should register all AccountService's dependencies

    and then resolve the interface, not the implementation:

    @inject IAccountService _accountService;
    private async Task Submit()
            var result = await _accountService.Login(userlogin); // Unhandled exception