What are the pros and cons of deploying a custom web-based intranet solution on OS 10.7 Server as opposed to an Ubuntu machine? The head of IT at our non-profit org is a mac-nut (I am too, just not for deployment of my web apps) and can't stand the idea of an Ubuntu box ruining his Mac-only setup. What issues am I bound to run into if I were to have to test and deploy PHP and Python/Ruby apps (using both mysql and postgres) on a 10.7 Lion server environment?
(out IT dep't doesn't have any clue about the command line or web dev as such)
Well I guess the first thing to point out to the IT department is that both of those platforms are Linux based, one of them happens to have a nice user interface though.
Whilst there is nothing stopping you running these apps on your OSX box these are some of the points I would consider.