I am on Odoo 12, my question is quiet simple. how can I see the meetings that belongs to one contact?
as you can see here, that for this contact, I have 2 meetings.
What I expect, is that it will show me the 2 meetings that belong to Azure Interior. But what happens is that it shows all the meetings for all contacts
is it a bug in Odoo itself? (this screenshots are from odoo runbot, I did not change anything) in Odoo 14 for example it works fine
When we click on the Meetings
button, the schedule_meeting method is executed to return the action_calendar_event which did not define a domain to filter meetings, it adds only the default partners to the context.
As it is defined, it will show all active meetings.
You can override the schedule_meeting
method to filter the contact meetings:
class Partner(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
def schedule_meeting(self):
action = super(Partner, self).schedule_meeting()
action['domain'] = [('id', 'in', self.meeting_ids.ids)]
return action
Or use the meeting_ids
field (Many2many) to show them.