I have a table that is a queue of tasks with each task requiring exclusive access to several resources. I want my query to select a single task that doesn't need resources claimed by other similar sessions.
If each task had to work on a single resource I would've written something like this:
select *
from tasks t
inner join resources r
on r.id = t.resource_id
order by t.submitted_ts
limit 1
for update skip locked
But since I have multiple resources I somehow have to lock them all:
select *
from tasks t
inner join task_details td
on t.id = td.task_id
inner join resources r
on r.id = td.resource_id
order by t.submitted_ts, t.id
limit ???
for update skip locked
I cannot limit by 1, since I need to lock all joined rows of resources
It also seems to me that I should try and lock all rows of resources
, so it must be not skip locked
, but nowait
for resources and skip locked
for tasks
First I had to create a helper function that either locks all linked rows or not:
create or replace function try_lock_resources(p_task_id bigint)
returns boolean
language plpgsql
as $$
perform *
from task_details td
join resources r
on td.resource_id = r.resource_id
where td.task_id = p_task_id
for update of r nowait;
return true;
exception when lock_not_available then
return false;
Then I needed to invoke this function for each row:
select *
from tasks
where processing_status = 'Unprocessed'
and try_lock_resources(task_id)
order by created_ts
limit 1
for update skip locked
After this query is run, only the returned row and its associated resources are locked. I verified that an identical query from another session returns the first unprocessed tasks that has no resources in common with the one returned by the first session.
P.S.: the original answer used a different query (which you shouldn't use as is):
with unprocessed_tasks as materialized (
select *
from tasks t
where processing_status = 'Unprocessed'
order by created_ts
select *
from unprocessed_tasks
where try_lock_resources(task_id)
limit 1
for update skip locked
The problem with this query is that the following could (and did happen):