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Enumerate DriveItem resources of a specific Drive given SharePoint URL and using Graph API

I have a SharePoint URL of the form

I want to use the Graph API to get a list of all resources in this drive. Reading the API documentation it appears that I require the drive-id of this drive in order to perform this request.


Also, according to the answer to a similar stackoverflow question it appears there are no APIs to convert SharePoint URL to OneDrive driveId. Is there a possible workaround? Is there any way to programmatically get a list of resources from a SharePoint URL?


  • If your SharePoint URL is, then you can issue a request like this via the Graph API (scope Sites.Read.All might be required):


    That request will return something like this:

        "@odata.context": "$metadata#drives",
        "value": [
                "createdDateTime": "2021-07-24T23:35:00Z",
                "description": "",
                "id": "b!A1234567-ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA9876543210",
                "lastModifiedDateTime": "2021-08-12T16:39:23Z",
                "name": "Dokumente",
                "webUrl": "",
                "driveType": "documentLibrary",
                "createdBy": {
                    "user": {
                        "displayName": "abc"
                "lastModifiedBy": {
                    "user": {
                        "email": "",
                        "id": "12345678-4321-4321-4321-012345678901",
                        "displayName": "zz"
                "owner": {
                    "group": {
                        "email": "",
                        "id": "09876543-1234-1234-1234-012345678901",
                        "displayName": "Owner of something"
                "quota": {
                    "deleted": 345678,
                    "remaining": 27487788453406,
                    "state": "normal",
                    "total": 27487790694400,
                    "used": 96120

    The id under description is the drive-id. With that you can get /root/children like so:


    While there is no single API or algorithm that allows you to programmatically get a list of resources from a SharePoint URL, you can achieve the same with two Graph API requests.