I currently have a livewire component called live-data that I am passing a parameter orderNumber into as such:
@livewire('live-data',['orderNumber' => $order['order_number']])
Then in liveData.php I have:
public $orderNumber;
I would like to pass an additional parameter from the view to the livewire component named hasComponent. I have tried the following:
@livewire('live-data',['orderNumber' => $order['order_number']],['hasComponent'=>$hasComponent])
and in liveData.php
public $hasComponent;
However this is not working as the variable is not being assigned the value from the view. How is it possible to achieve this. Any help is greatly appreciated.
It should be like this
'orderNumber' => $order['order_number'],
'hasComponent' => $hasComponent
For more : https://laravel-livewire.com/docs/2.x/rendering-components