I'm having an issue like this. Not all zones are returning with:
ActiveSupport::TimeZone.all.sort_by {|t| t.name}.map { |tz|
#symbol = tz.tzinfo.identifier.gsub(/[^_a-zA-Z0-9]/, '_').squeeze('_').upcase!
tz.to_s #> (GMT+00:00) Edinburgh for example
I need to use the .to_s
to get the UTC (GMT+00:00)
. With the above, London
is missing and I assume others. This one works great:
ActiveSupport::TimeZone::MAPPING.sort_by {|k,v| k}.map { |k,v|
#symbol = k.gsub(/[^_a-zA-Z0-9]/, '_').squeeze('_').upcase!
k #> London London is included with this method
I cannot use this method because I do not know how to get the (GMT+00:00)
in (GMT+00:00) London
Has the bug return? How to get all the zones show for the first example?
I'm using GraphQL-ruby. I've created an enum to return a list of time zones:
# Taken from: https://gist.github.com/pedrocarmona/f41d25e631c1144045971c319f1c9e17
class Types::TimeZoneEnumType < Types::BaseEnum
ActiveSupport::TimeZone.all.sort_by {|t| t.name}.map { |tz|
symbol = tz.tzinfo.identifier.gsub(/[^_a-zA-Z0-9]/, '_').squeeze('_').upcase
value("TZ_#{symbol}", tz.to_s)
Then inside query_type.rb
field :time_zones, Types::TimeZoneEnumType, null: false
Next, inside graphiql, I make the query:
query timeZones{
__type(name: "TimeZoneEnum") {
enumValues {
Which returns something like, except London:
"name": "TZ_AMERICA_LA_PAZ",
"description": "(GMT-04:00) La Paz"
"name": "TZ_AMERICA_LIMA",
"description": "(GMT-05:00) Lima"
"description": "(GMT+00:00) Lisbon"
"description": "(GMT+01:00) Ljubljana"
"description": "(GMT+01:00) Madrid"
After Ljubljana
I should see "London" but it's not there.
If I run
ActiveSupport::TimeZone.all.sort_by {|t| t.name}.map { |tz|
[ tz.tzinfo.identifier.gsub(/[^_a-zA-Z0-9]/, '_').squeeze('_').upcase, tz.to_s ]
the result includes the entries ["EUROPE_LONDON", "(GMT+00:00) Edinburgh"], ["EUROPE_LONDON", "(GMT+00:00) London"]
is duplicated.
I don't know how the GraphQL library is operating, but I'm assuming it's deduplicating the data and returning a single entry for EUROPE_LONDON
(enums are normally unique). Moscow is the same - it has values for Moscow and St Petersburg - so you could test by looking at the results for EUROPE_MOSCOW