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Sheet of BottomSheetScaffold automatically expands on recomposition

In Jetpack Compose, I have a BottomSheetScaffold with some content. This content is observed from the ViewModel, like this:

    sheetContent = { SheetContent(sheetData = viewModel.sheetData) }
) {}

So whenever viewModel.sheetData changes, a recomposition is triggered. Whenever this happens, the bottom sheet automatically expands. Is this a bug or a feature? Can I disable this? I am using the newest version: 1.1.0-alpha01

Edit: Here is an example using LaunchedEffect instead of a ViewModel.

fun HomeScreen() {
    var addSheetData by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }

    LaunchedEffect(true) {
        addSheetData = true

    BottomSheetScaffold(sheetContent = {
        if (addSheetData) {
            Column {
                Text(text = "Text1", fontSize = 36.sp)
                Text(text = "Text2", fontSize = 36.sp)
                Text(text = "Text3", fontSize = 36.sp)
                Text(text = "Text4", fontSize = 36.sp)
                Text(text = "Text5", fontSize = 36.sp)
    }, sheetBackgroundColor = Color.LightGray) {}

The sheet with the 5 texts expands automatically.


  • It seems a bug.
    Currently (1.0.x and 1.1.0-alpha01) it happens when the sheetContentHeight < sheetPeekHeight.
    In this case the scaffoldState.bottomSheetState result expanded also if the content sheet is not displayed.

    You can easily verify it using in your code:

    sheetBackgroundColor = if (scaffoldState.bottomSheetState.isCollapsed) Color.LightGray else Color.Yellow

    When addSheetData == false the background color becomes Yellow. When you recompose the composable, since the state is expanded, the content sheet is full expanded.

    As workaround you can use something like:

      sheetContent = { 
            if (!addSheetData){
            if (addSheetData) {
                Column {
                    Text(text = "Text1", fontSize = 36.sp)
                    Text(text = "Text2", fontSize = 36.sp)
                    Text(text = "Text3", fontSize = 36.sp)
                    Text(text = "Text4", fontSize = 36.sp)
                    Text(text = "Text5", fontSize = 36.sp)