I have a role and I want to restart a service when file changed for an item, so I try to make a variable for the handlers, but on ansible deployment, I get file ac
- name: Create jinja templating
src: "/var/opt/config.json.j2"
dest: "/var/opt/{{ item }}/config.json"
with_list: "{{ variable }}"
register: template_out
- my_handler
- name: "Restart {{ item }}"
shell: "service restart {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ template_out.results | selectattr('changed', 'equalto', true) | list }}"
(item={u'md5sum': u'e48695da5017f1a5558b66eafc1cdccf', u'uid': 0, u'dest': u'config.yml', u'owner': u'root', 'diff': [], u'size': 4272, u'src': u'/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible_mitogen_action_1073ea002b288ef0/source', 'ansible_loop_var': u'item', u'group': u'root', 'item': u'elcos', u'checksum': u'918eb1bda64b3c9cfb14fd9f6b526cb0492fbff4', u'changed': True, 'failed': False, u'state': u'file', u'gid': 0, u'mode': u'0644', u'invocation': {u'module_args': {u'directory_mode': None, u'force': True, u'remote_src': None, u'dest': u'config.yml', u'selevel': None, u'_original_basename': u'vector_conf_elcos/elcos.toml', u'delimiter': None, u'regexp': None, u'owner': None, u'follow': False, u'validate': None, u'local_follow': None, u'src': u'/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible_mitogen_action_1073ea002b288ef0/source', u'group': None, u'unsafe_writes': None, u'checksum': u'918eb1bda64b3c9cfb14fd9f6b526cb0492fbff4', u'seuser': None, u'serole': None, u'content': None, u'setype': None, u'mode': None, u'attributes': None, u'backup': False}}})
so how I can fetch only the name value and not whole output
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- memcached
- apache
- name: Create jinja templating
src: "config.json.j2"
dest: "{{ item }}_config.json"
with_list: "{{ variable }}"
register: template_out
notify: "Restart Service"
- name: Restart Service
shell: "service restart {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ template_out.results
| selectattr('changed', 'equalto', true)
| map(attribute='item')
| list }}"
I recommend using this handler to restart services:
- name: Restart service
name: "{{ item }}"
state: restarted
loop: "{{ service_restart.results
| selectattr('changed', 'equalto', true)
| map(attribute='item')
| list }}"