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Google Sheets: Conduct VLOOKUP on array stored in a different cell

I am trying to store a series of key/value pairs in a single cell in Google Sheets, then interrogate the array using formulae, such as VLOOKUP().

As an example, there is an array storing a series of key/value pairs: ​

{"keyA", "valueA"; "keyB", "valueB"; "keyC", "valueC"}

You can use VLOOKUP on this array if it is embedded in the formula:


which will return "valueB".

But if you store the array in a cell (eg B2) and refer to that cell in the formula, eg:

=VLOOKUP("keyB",B2,2,FALSE) get a #REF! response with the detail: "Error. VLOOKUP evaluates to an out-of-bounds range."

Can anyone suggest a solution to this please?

Many thanks


  • There is no EVALUATE formula in Spreadsheet.

    The array expression is some kind of formula, in order to output a range of values, you have to put:

    ={"keyA", "valueA"; "keyB", "valueB"; "keyC", "valueC"}

    You could then do VLOOKUP on the output.

    However, you can parse it yourself with SPLIT

    =ArrayFormula(SPLIT(TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(REGEXREPLACE(B2,"^{""|""}$",),"""; """,FALSE)),""", """,FALSE))