I need to use my own custom error enum in tasks that I create:
enum MyError: Error {
case someError
var myTask: Task<MyModel, MyError> = Task { () throws -> MyModel in
// in case of an error:
// throw .someError
// ... perform some work
return MyModel()
but I got the following error at the beginning of Task initializer:
Referencing initializer 'init(priority:operation:)' on 'Task' requires the types 'MyError' and 'Error' be equivalent
How can I restrict the Task
to only throw errors that are of my custom error type MyError
Omit the unnecessary type declaration:
var myTask = Task { () throws -> MyModel in
// in case of an error:
throw MyError.someError
// ... perform some work
return MyModel()
The compiler implicitly (and rightly) types myTask
as a Task<MyModel, Error>
. The compiler doesn't care that what you throw is a MyError, because that's a form of Error.
Okay, I see now that the issue is merely that you asked the wrong question. You want to know why you can't declare this Task as a Task<MyModel,MyError>
The reason is because of how this initializer is declared:
extension Task where Failure == Error {
public init(priority: TaskPriority? = nil, operation: @escaping @Sendable () async throws -> Success)
Do you see? This initializer is available only where Failure == Error
. That's ==
, not :
. Using this initializer doesn't require that the Failure type be an Error, it requires that it be Error.