I want to rename all classes starting with the prefix SMP to RS, including references in source code (direct ones like SMPClass1 and indirect ones like Smalltalk at: #SMPClass2) and in class and method comments. Can the current RBParseTreeRewriter do this? An equivalent without the parse tree rewriter would be:
Smalltalk allClassesDo: [ :class |
(class name beginsWith: 'SW2')
ifTrue: [ class rename: 'PR' , (class name allButFirst: 3) ] ].
Yes, this can be done, but not with the RBParseTreeRewriter
(this is a low-level tool to rewrite source-code internally used by refactorings).
From OmniBrowser select in the context menu Refactor > Class Regex. Then modify and accept the template as follows:
ORClassRegexRefactoring new
replace: '^SW2(.*)$' with: 'PR$1' ignoreCase: false;
This will automatically rename all classes and references.