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Extract the results plotted in the margin of the levelplot function

How can i extract the results plotted in the margin of the levelplot function?

Or is there a function that does the same thing?

I'm searching for something like a table...

Best regards,

    f <- system.file("external/test.grd", package="raster")
    r <- raster(f)
    x <- levelplot(r, margin=T)

enter image description here


  • From the help page of rasterVis::levelplot:

    [These] marginal graphics show the column (x) and row (y) summaries of the Raster* object. The summary is computed with the function mean.

    You should use the raster::zonal function to compute them:

    rx <- init(r, 'x')
    mx <- zonal(r, rx, FUN = mean)
    plot(mx, type = 'l')