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Export M ( power query ) query result to csv

Basically I have about 50 excels worksheets with information to process. Every worksheet has a power query script inside to clean the information. I need to automate this process by any way possible.

I've downloaded power query SDK, in visual studio I run the .pq file and it works, but i cant find a way to write the query result to a file (or insert it directly to a sql server table).

I've tried this approach and it works (using R on a power BI book to export it to a file with the write.table command). The problem is that I dont know how to trigger the refresh without opening the book. (so I can add it to the job list).

The refresh every X time option in power BI is not useful here, I need to trigger the refresh after part of the sql jobs are done. So I need to trigger by some type of API.

Any type of solution is welcome.


  • I have a similar task and I'm using a Powershell script to open the excel file, refresh all worksheet and then export each to CSV. Then simply schedule the job as you like.

    #Open XLSX Processor
    $E = new-object -comobject excel.application
    $E.Visible = $false
    $E.DisplayAlerts = $true
    $Workbook = $E.Workbooks.Open($File_XLSX)  
    #Refresh all Queries
    foreach ($conn in $Workbook.Connections){
      try{ $conn.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = $false } catch {}
      try{$conn.ODBCConnection.BackgroundQuery = $false } catch {}
    # Export XLSX to CSV 
    foreach ($Worksheet in $Workbook.Worksheets)
        $n = $File_XLSX + "_" + $Worksheet.Name
        $Worksheet.SaveAs($csvLoc + $n + ".csv", 6)
    #Closing Excel
    Start-Sleep 1
    # Cleanup COM
    Start-Sleep 1
    # Cleanup COM
    # Close Excel
    Start-Sleep 1
    # Cleanup COM