For a Microsoft Analysis Services Tabular (1500) data cube, given a Sales table:
CREATE TABLE SalesActual (
Id Int,
InvoiceNumber Char(10),
InvoiceLineNumber Char(3),
DateKey Date,
SalesAmount money,
CostAmount money )
Where the GP Calculation in DAX would be
GP := SUM('SalesActual'[SalesAmount]) - SUM('SalesActual'[CostAmount])
I want to limit some users from accessing cost / GP data. Which approach would you recommend?
I can think of the following:
Split all the Sales and Cost into separate rows and create a MetricType flag 'C', 'S', etc. and set Row-Level Security so that some people won't be able to see lines with costs.
Separate the into two different tables and handle it through OLS.
Any other recommendations?
I am leaning towards approach 1 as I have some other RLS set-up and OLS doesn't mix well with RLS, but I also want to hear from the experts what other approach could fulfill such requirements.
UPDATE: I ended up going with the first approach.
The accepted answer works and would work for many scenario. I appreciate answerer's sharing, just that it doesn't solve my particular situation.
You can create a role where CLS does the job. There is no gui for CLS, but we can use a script (You can script your current role from SSMS "Script Role As", to modify - but better test this on new one)
"createOrReplace": {
"object": {
"database": "YourDatabase",
"role": "CLS1"
"role": {
"name": "CLS1",
"modelPermission": "read",
"members": [
"memberName": "YourOrganization\\userName"
"tablePermissions": [
"name": "Sales",
"columnPermissions": [
"name": "SalesBonus",
"metadataPermission": "none"
"name": "CostAmount",
"metadataPermission": "none"
The key element is TablePermissions and columnPermissions in which we define which column / columns the user cannot use).