I am trying to extract different parameters from a table and place them in a column each. I have tried but it did not work.
This is the example
Models = c("ARIMA(1,0,10)(80,0,90)[12] with non-zero mean",
"ARIMA(2,0,11) with non-zero mean",
"ARIMA(3,0,12)(81,0,91)[12] with non-zero mean",
"ARIMA(4,0,13)(82,0,92)[12] with non-zero mean",
"ARIMA(5,0,14) with zero mean",
"ARIMA(6,0,15) with non-zero mean")
Models = as.data.frame(Models)
I need to separate each parameter in a different column the idea is to separate it as follows
Name p d q P D Q PERIOD MEAN
1 ARIMA 1 0 10 80 0 90 12 with non-zero mean
2 ARIMA 2 0 11 N/a N/a N/a N/a with non-zero mean
3 ARIMA 3 0 12 81 0 91 12 with non-zero mean
4 ARIMA 4 0 13 82 0 92 12 with non-zero mean
5 ARIMA 5 0 14 N/a N/a N/a N/a with zero mean
6 ARIMA 6 0 15 N/a N/a N/a N/a with non-zero mean
Is there a way to separate it automatically? I am new working with R I have researched but I can not find the solution
note: the models that are in examples are not real, it is only to identify the parameters
I'm not sure how this performs on your original data set but seems to work fine here:
Models %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(Mean = str_extract(value, "(?<=\\s)[^d]+"),
value = gsub("\\s[^d]+", "", value),
value = gsub("[)(,]", " ", value, perl = TRUE),
value = gsub("[\\[\\]]", "", value, perl = TRUE)) %>%
separate(value, into = c("Name", "p", "d", "q", "P", "D", "Q", "Period"), sep = "\\s+") %>%
mutate(across(p:Q, ~ replace(., . == (""), NA)))
# A tibble: 6 x 9
Name p d q P D Q Period Mean
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 ARIMA 1 0 10 80 0 90 12 with non-zero mean
2 ARIMA 2 0 11 NA NA NA NA with non-zero mean
3 ARIMA 3 0 12 81 0 91 12 with non-zero mean
4 ARIMA 4 0 13 82 0 92 12 with non-zero mean
5 ARIMA 5 0 14 NA NA NA NA with zero mean
6 ARIMA 6 0 15 NA NA NA NA with non-zero mean