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How to set default country in Solidus Ecommerce

First off, I'm trying to create (inventory) stock for my Product Variants. Not too sure but it appears that I need to create a Stock Location.

Next, I'm trying to set Stock Location. However, I get the following error message:

"You must create a default country before creating a stock location."

How do I create default country? The only logical place that might be in the schema is: spree_stores.cart_tax_country_iso.

However, using the admin panel does not show country ISO's in the drop down list under shipping. I also tried manually inserting from Rails Console. I tried 2 letter ISO and 3 letter ISO. Nothing seems to work.

How do I set the default country code in Solidus?


  • When creating my App, I created my own seed because when I followed the Getting Started tutorial, I either had no seed or had sample data I didn't want.

    The solution to the question is that I copied the country.rb seed from from the solidus_core gem: gems/solidus_core-3.0.1/db/default/spree/country.rb

    I copied it into my seed file and commented out previous seed and raked.