I use the ligth GBM Algorithm and have created a pipeline which looks much like the following:
#model definition
model_lgbm = LGBMClassifier(
#training loss
objective='binary', # write a custom objective function that is cost sensitive
n_estimators = params['n_estimators'],
max_depth = params['max_depth'])
#pipeline instantiation using a previoulsy defined feature engineering pipeline (it does scaling etc.)
model_pipeline_lgbm = Pipeline(steps=[('preprocessor', feature_pipe_lgbm),
('model_lgbm', model_lgbm),
#fit of feature pipeline and transformation of validation sets
feature_pipe_lgbm.fit(X_train, Y_train)
X_val_trans = feature_pipe_lgbm.transform(X_val)
X_train_trans = feature_pipe_lgbm.transform(X_train)
encoded_column_names = ['f{}'.format(i) for i in range(X_val_trans.shape[1])]
X_val_trans = pd.DataFrame(data=X_val_trans, columns=encoded_column_names, index=X_val.index)
X_train_trans = pd.DataFrame(
data=X_train_trans, columns=encoded_column_names, index=X_train.index)
#definition of evaluation set and evaluation metric
eval_metric = "binary_logloss"
eval_set = [(X_train_trans, Y_train), (X_val_trans, Y_val)]
I then fit the pipeline and would like to store the evaluation result in a dictionary as shown in this repo:
evals_result = {}
# validation loss
model_lgbm__eval_metric=eval_metric, #same here consider cost sensitvity
model_lgbm__early_stopping_rounds= params['early_stopping_patience'],
However, I receive the following error:
TypeError: fit() got an unexpected keyword argument 'evals_result'
Do you know where I would need to define eval_results in my pipeline, so I can call upon it for creating plots ?
You should be able to access it through the LGBMClassifier
after the .fit