I want to extract only the first line of text in each cell. (Sorry for screenshots I can't figure out another way to illustrate).
I am using this formula in the Company
column to find the new-line character and extract the text to the left of it:
If I manually go through and highlight the entire cell in the Description
column then hit enter
it will add a newline character after the text in the first line but otherwise there is no newline character present. Hence the #VALUE
error. Any ideas how to bulk insert a newline character into every cell so the existing function will work? Open to other solutions as well. Thanks.
you can do:
=LEFT(G2&CHAR(10), FIND(CHAR(10), G2&CHAR(10)))
delete everything in column A and use this in A1:
={"Company"; INDEX(IFNA(REGEXEXTRACT(B2:B, "(.+)\n"), B2:B))}
REGEXREPLACE(B2:B, "(\d+)", CHAR(10)&"$1"), "(.+)\n"), B2:B)))}