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How to rollback asyncpg transaction

Im using asyncpg to exec outer sql code (small and inner migration system). So in case of error in sql code I want to rollback all the DB changes in current transaction. But I cannot get transaction object to call rollback(). Please help!

My code is:

async with conn.transaction():
        await conn.execute(script)
    except asyncpg.exceptions.PostgresSyntaxError:
        logger('Got exception!')
        # what i have to write here to call rollback!?

Thanks a lot.


  • Inside of async with conn.transaction(): section transaction rolls back automatically if exception occurred there.

    But you can control flow manually:

    tr = conn.transaction()
        await tr.start() 
        await conn.execute('WRONG SQL STATEMENT / DO INTEGRITY ERROR HERE') 
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error('Got exception {}', e)
        await tr.rollback()