Right now, when using hardhat, I have a different config for testing and deployment. Currently I am changing the file name depending on whether I am testing or deploying. This does not seem optimal/correct.
Does anyone know a way I can specify which to use? Or even better, a way to specify in the config testing vs deployment?
Testing config:
* @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig
module.exports = {
solidity: "0.8.0",
Deployment config:
* @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig
const {API_URL, METAMASK_PRIVATE_KEY} = process.env;
module.exports = {
solidity: "0.8.0",
defaultNetwork: "rinkeby",
networks: {
hardhat: {},
rinkeby: {
url: API_URL,
accounts: [`0x${METAMASK_PRIVATE_KEY}`]
paths: {
sources: "./contracts",
tests: "./test",
cache: "./cache",
artifacts: "./artifacts"
I guess really I just want to ignore the "networks" field when testing...
I realized the only difference between these configs was the network flag, for testing I wanted to use the hardhat network, and deployment, rinkeby.
Changing the default network param to:
defaultNetwork: "Hardhat"
allowed me to run tests on the hardhat network using the npx hardhat test
Then deploying I can use:
npx hardhat run --network rinkeby scripts/deploy.js