Given this JSON
I'm trying to use the following snippet from Windows command window,
powershell -nologo -executionpolicy bypass "& {foreach($line in Get-Content temp.txt) {ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $line}}" > temp2.txt
To get the retrieved keys and values into a file (temp2.txt). However, ConvertFrom-Json only gets the first hierarchic level of the JSON, now down in the data
array. I have tried -Depth 3
but get this error:
At line:1 char:81
+ ... ontent temp.txt) {ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $line -Depth 4 -Comp ...
+ ~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [ConvertFrom-Json], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NamedParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ConvertFromJsonCommand```
As Jeroen Mostert points out in a comment, only in PowerShell (Core) v6.2+ does ConvertFrom-Json
have a -Depth
parameter. However, even if it were available to you, it would neither be needed nor would it help, because ConvertFrom-Json
correctly parses JSON with a nesting depth up to 1024
levels by default.
ConvertFrom-Json -Depth $someDepth
is only needed in the unlikely event that your JSON has more than 1024
levels or if you want to ensure that input JSON does not exceed a given nesting depth (because exceeding it results in an error - unlike how -Depth
works with the complementary cmdlet, ConvertTo-Json
- see this post).Your problem stems from the fact that >
, PowerShell's redirection operator is in effect an alias of Out-File
, which, when given complex objects as input, saves them using the same for-display representation you would see in the console - and with a deeply nested input object such as yours the resulting interpretation can be unhelpful (since your input object has more than 4 top-level properties, it is implicitly formatted with Format-List
's >
operator, but the above still applies, because the same kind of formatting is also applied when PowerShell outputs to an outside caller's stdout.So the question for you to decide is:
What representation are you looking for to be saved in file temp2.txt
Are you looking for a for-display representation - for the human observer - or a format suitable for later programmatic processing?
If you're primarily looking to pretty-print the input JSON, you can use a ConvertFrom-Json
/ ConvertTo-Json
round-trip operation, whose output will be pretty-printed by default:
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -c "ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content -Raw temp.txt) | ConvertTo-Json" > temp2.txt
As hinted at above, with ConvertTo-Json
, i.e. the re-conversion to JSON, -Depth
(available also in Windows PowerShell) is much more likely to be required (though not with your particular input object), because the default depth is only 2
, and exceeding it results in quiet truncation (up to PowerShell 7.0; since v7.1, at least a warning is issued) - again, see this post.
I've streamlined incidental aspects of your call to powershell.exe
, the Windows PowerShell CLI call - for a comprehensive overview of the CLI in both PowerShell editions, see this answer.
You may run into character-encoding issues with non-ASCII characters, given that cmd.exe
uses the system's active OEM code page. Saving to a file from inside the PowerShell command can give you control over the desired encoding.