Im trying to make a stopwatch command that when you say !duty on and then !duty off it will calculate the time took to stop it. It works like a regular stopwatch but it is for discord. I have been trying to fix the err for a week but i cant understand why it doesnt work pls help me. The err is in line 10 id
where it says
the code:
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const StopWatch = require("timer-stopwatch-dev");
const moment = require('moment');
module.exports = {
name: 'duty',
description: "This is a stopwatch command",
async execute(client, message, args, CurrentTimers) {
try {
let guildTimers = CurrentTimers.get(;
let guildTimersUser = guildTimers.get(;
if(!guildTimersUser){ guildTimers.set(, new StopWatch()); guildTimersUser = guildTimers.get(; };
if(!args[0] || args[0] === 'on'){
if(guildTimersUser.isRunning()) return'You need to stop your shift first!')
guildTimersUser.start();'You have started your shift')
} else if(args[0] === 'off'){
if(!guildTimersUser.isRunning()) return'You need to start the Stopwatch first!')
guildTimersUser.stop(); Discord.RichEmbed().setTitle('You have stopped the Stopwatch!').setDescription('Total Time: ' + dhm(;
catch(err) {
function dhm(ms){
days = Math.floor(ms / (24*60*60*1000));
daysms=ms % (24*60*60*1000);
hours = Math.floor((daysms)/(60*60*1000));
hoursms=ms % (60*60*1000);
minutes = Math.floor((hoursms)/(60*1000));
minutesms=ms % (60*1000);
sec = Math.floor((minutesms)/(1000));
return days+" days, "+hours+" hours, "+minutes+" minutes, "+sec+" seconds.";
my main:
//create cooldowns map
const cooldowns = new Map();
module.exports = (Discord, client, message) => {
const prefix = '!';
if(!message.content.startsWith(prefix) || return;
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(/ +/);
const cmd = args.shift().toLowerCase();
const command = client.commands.get(cmd) ||
client.commands.find(a => a.aliases && a.aliases.includes(cmd));
//If cooldowns map doesn't have a key then create one.
cooldowns.set(, new Discord.Collection());
const current_time =;
const time_stamps = cooldowns.get(;
const cooldown_amount = (command.cooldown) * 1000;
//If time_stamps has a key with the author's id then check the expiration time to send a message to a user.
const expiration_time = time_stamps.get( + cooldown_amount;
if(current_time < expiration_time){
const time_left = (expiration_time - current_time) / 1000;
return message.reply(`Please wait ${time_left.toFixed(1)} more seconds before using ${}`);
//If the author's id is not in time_stamps then add them with the current time.
time_stamps.set(, current_time);
//Delete the user's id once the cooldown is over.
setTimeout(() => time_stamps.delete(, cooldown_amount);
command.execute(message,args, cmd, client, Discord, CurrentTimers);
} catch (err){
message.reply("There was an error trying to execute this command!");
You didn’t show the actual error but I suspect that it is something like Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
. The way to fix this is to make sure of 2 things:
command.execute(client, message, args, CurrentTimers)
//these may not be the same variable names, but make sure the values are correct