I have a Spring application with replication setup (a master database for rw operations and and a slave database for r operations).
So far so good. I thought, it might be a good idea, to have a user for the rw operations and one for the read only operations.
So I added a read only user, which only has SELECT command granted.
Now, when I test my application, I get the following error:
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: SELECT with locking clause command denied to user 'testreader'@'localhost' for table 'hibernate_sequence'
I suppose I could get rid of this by granting LOCK TABLES as right, but is this what I need to do? Or is it true, that the hibernate_sequence (which I suppose is some internal Spring database) is needed to be locked by this read only user?
Or am I missing something else entirely?
If needed, I can post some code here.
Thanks for any help!
Edit 1:
If I grant LOCK TABLES I get this error:
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: UPDATE command denied to user 'testreader'@'localhost' for table 'hibernate_sequence'
So either I need to grant all rights for this spring table, or I am doing something (totally) wrong.
Okay, I have found the solution. Turned out, that my issue was due to the autogenerated ids in my entities.
When replacing:
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
strategy= GenerationType.AUTO,
name = "native",
strategy = "native"
I get rid of this hibernate_sequence table and this problem perishes. Regards