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Text does not change if the button is pressed - FLUTTER

I'm trying to encrypt or decrypt a string depending on whether I press a button or not. The algorithm works because on my console I get the right result: once the button is pressed, the decrypted text is shown as I want. But this change is not shown on the screen, in fact the encrypted text remains and does not undergo any changes. How can I make sure that once the 'Show Word List' button is pressed, my text changes to show the decrypted text?

I show below my code:

      String seedphrase = state.seedphrase;
      bool seedphraseforCrypted = true;
        if(SettingsPage.passwordCreated == true && seedphraseforCrypted == true) {
          seedphrase = AesEncryptionDecryption

     void decryptWordList() {
            setState(() {
              seedphrase = AesEncryptionDecryption.decryptAES(
     seedphraseforCrypted = false;

      child: RichText(
              text: TextSpan(
                children: [
                    text: seedphrase,
                      style: GoogleFonts.encodeSansSemiCondensed(fontSize: 18.0, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,color: Palette.textColor)
                    child: Padding(
                      padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
                      child: Icon(
                        size: 25,
            text: 'Show Word List',
            selected: true,
            onPressed: ()  {

does anyone know how to help me? thank you !


  • Whenever you setstate, the password is indeed decrypted, but you have boolean check on top inside your build method, which is always set to true. Create another boolean, to check if decrypted or encrypted, outside your build method, the default is true, and when you want to show it, set it to false, your function will look like this.

    So, inside the decrypt function, change this value to false:

    String seedphrase = state.seedphrase;
    bool encrypted =true;  //Create this in your widget, directly before `Widget build...etc`
    if(SettingsPage.passwordCreated == true && encrypted) {
      seedphrase = AesEncryptionDecryption
     void decryptWordList() {
                setState(() {
                seedphrase = AesEncryptionDecryption.decryptAES(seedphrase);
                encrypted =false; //Add this.