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Receiving error: Class Action is missing in schema: actions.actions

I'm trying to broadcast transaction having following actions:

actions: [
    transactions.transfer(new BN(swapParams.value.toFixed())),
    transactions.deployContract(new Uint8Array(bytecode)),
        secretHash: Buffer.from(swapParams.secretHash, 'hex').toString('base64'),
        expiration: `${toNearTimestampFormat(swapParams.expiration)}`,
        buyer: swapParams.recipientAddress
      new BN(ABI.init.gas),
      new BN(0)

But when I invoke

const tx = await from.signAndSendTransaction(addressToString(, options.actions)

I receive following callstack: Error

Any idea what might be the reason?

I'm using:

near-js-api: 0.39.0


  • According to the documentation, source code, and defined types signAndSendTransaction should take a single argument (an object with receiverId and actions fields):

    const tx = await from.signAndSendTransaction({
      receiverId: addressToString(,
      actions: options.actions

    Was there an example/doc that mislead you, so you arrived with this function call interface? We should fix that.