I would like to know how we can select the two last year in more the current year.
For example, If I have a table like it :
id date_enter cost
1 19/09/2019 400$
1 20/09/2020 402$
1 19/04/2021 450$
1 19/09/2018 500$
1 05/03/2019 600$
1 19/09/2015 400$
Then I want it :
id date_enter cost
1 19/09/2019 400$
1 20/09/2020 402$
1 19/04/2021 450$
1 05/03/2019 600$
I tried to use dateadd like it :
But I just got the 2 last year since now, I would like to got 2019, 2020 and 2021
You want to get data from January 1, 2019 (i.e. all the data from 2019, 2020, and 2021). Use DATE_FROM_PARTS
to construct that date.
select *
from mytable
where date_enter >= date_from_parts(year(current_date) - 2, 1, 1);