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Unable to join channel on jetson nano HLF2.3

Im trying to setup a network on Jetson Nano and VM on my laptop.

My version of fabric is 2.3.0.

While joining channel I have two errors

Error: error getting endorser client for channel: endorser client failed to connect to
localhost:9051: failed to create new connection: connection error: desc = "transport: error
while dialing: dial tcp connect: connection refused"

and the same one for 10051 port.

And then I cannot deploy chaincode with same errors and false approval from Org2MSP (Nano)

Im following this tutorial but with updated images and binaries (and rebuild arm binaries for Nano): Hyperledger Fabric 2.0 on Multiple Hosts

Can someone help me to resolve this issue? Thank you.


  • you are getting above error because of you are running the peer join command from PC-1 and peers of org2 is running on PC-2 and you have exported the environment variable for CORE_PEER_ADDRESS as localhost:9051.

    better you should run the crate and join channel commands form cli container.

    and set the CORE_PEER_ADDRESS as container_name:port in place of using localhost:port

    for example if you are using join command for peer 0 of org1 then set the CORE_PEER_ADDRESS as following


    but before this make sure your all containers are connected through docker swarm network.