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How to kill a program by the hard way, only if it refuses to terminate the soft way?

How to exit a program by bash on a soft way and if this was not successful do it on a hard way.

  • Its known how to open a programm by bash and how to get the PID of the programm. The follow sample open the editor XED:

    xed & PID=$!

  • Its known how to echo the PID of the program what was opened:

    echo $PID

    12345 # sample output of a PID

  • Its known how to try to close a program on a soft way and how to select the program by PID for this:

    kill -15 $PID # select a program by PID and tray to kill it on a soft way

  • Its known how to close a program on a hard way and how to select the program by PID for this:

    kill -9 $PID # select a program by PID and kill it on a hard way

Put all together what I have, a still missing something:

xed & PID=$! # open the program xed and get the pid
echo PID of programm: $PID

sleep 5 # lets run the xed 5 seconds

kill -15 $PID # select the xed by PID and try to kill it on soft way

# check based on variant 1, 2, 3 or other, the xed was sucessfull killed on soft way or not
# if the xed still running, kill it on follow way

kill -9 $PID # select the xed by PID and kill it on hard way


  • Based one Answer of Eddy763, the follow Logically better fitting variant:

    xed & PID=$! # Start XED and get PID
    sleep 2
    # kill -15 $PID # Soft Kill, activate or deactivate for testing
    sleep 2
    if ! ps -p $PID
        echo "The PID/program are closed successful by Soft Kill"
        echo "The PID/program didn't be killed successful by Soft Kill active, so it will be killed now on hard way"
        kill -9 $PID # Hard Kill