I'm converting a customized Pytorch model to ONNX. However, when loading it with ONNXRuntime, I've encountered an error as follows:
onnxruntime.capi.onnxruntime_pybind11_state.RuntimeException: [ONNXRuntimeError] : 6 : RUNTIME_EXCEPTION : Exception during initialization: ...onnxruntime/core/providers/cpu/tensor/transpose.h:46 onnxruntime::TransposeBase::TransposeBase(const onnxruntime::OpKernelInfo &) v >= 0 && static_cast<uint64_t>(v) <= std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() was false.
I've checked with onnx.checker.check_model()
and it's totally fine.
I've also tried to replace transpose()
into permute()
in forward()
function but the error has still remained.
Is anyone familiar with this error?
Python 3.7
Pytorch 1.9.0
CUDA 10.2
ONNX 1.10.1
ONNXRuntime 1.8.1
OS Ubuntu 18.04
The perm
attribute of node Transpose_52
is [-1, 0, 1] although ONNX Runtime requires that all of them should be positive: onnxruntime/core/providers/cpu/tensor/transpose.h#L46