How to set initial value of a check box (Checked/NotChecked) in InstallShield 2010.
I added CheckBox to the Form, during adding I let for creation of custom property (I named it ISCHECKED). I set Value to 1, so when checbox is checked then this property has value equal to 1.
When I run installer I CheckBox is always checked and I want to have it unchecked, what should I do. I tried to modify this custom property and set value to different values in property manager but without luck. I know that when I click on the CheckBox it modifies this property value (I enable / disable other UI elements).
A checkbox is checked when its property is set and unchecked when the property is empty.
To make it unchecked by default, make sure that its property is not initialized to a value. Only associate the property to your checkbox, but do not set its value to "1".