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How to get bbox of grouped geometries using postgis queries?

I have a points table in my postgresql table.

CREATE TABLE my_points(
    gid serial PRIMARY KEY,
    created_on TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    geog geography(POINTZ,4326) 

So I want to get bounded boxes of updated data which grouped by created_on. The updated datas today are different locations.

For example table data is like this:

 gid      created_on             geog
 1        08/15/2021 10:38:11    (1,2)
 2        08/15/2021 10:38:11    (2,2)
 3        08/15/2021 10:38:11    (3,2)
 4        08/15/2021 11:12:04    (1,2)
 5        08/15/2021 11:12:04    (2,4)

In this table there are two groups by date. 08/15/2021 10:38:11 has ids (1,2,3) and 08/15/2021 11:12:04 has ids (4,5

So I need a select query for two bounded boxes to gets grouped by created_on date.

enter image description here

I need a seelct query to find blue square geoemtries.

How can I select this?


  • Create a cluster of points with ST_Union and GROUP BY and then use either ST_Envelope or ST_Extent to draw the bounding box:


    Returns the minimum bounding box for the supplied geometry, as a geometry:

    FROM my_points
    GROUP BY created_on;


    Retrieves a BBOX of given geometry or group of geometries:

    WITH j (created_on,geog) AS (
        created_on, ST_Union(geog::geometry)
      FROM my_points
      GROUP BY created_on
    SELECT ST_Extent(geog) FROM j
    GROUP BY created_on;

    Demo: db<>fiddle

    CREATE TABLE my_points(
        gid serial PRIMARY KEY,
        created_on TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
        geog geography(POINT,4326)
    INSERT INTO my_points VALUES
    (1,'2021-08-15 10:38:11','SRID=4326;POINT(-4.481927586167595 54.32254424440715)'),
    (2,'2021-08-15 10:38:11','SRID=4326;POINT(-4.44759531077697 54.28408149183809)'),
    (3,'2021-08-15 10:38:11','SRID=4326;POINT(-4.563638401597283 54.29169676415854)'),
    (4,'2021-08-15 11:12:04','SRID=4326;POINT(-4.52449960765197 54.23234056232733)'),
    (5,'2021-08-15 11:12:04','SRID=4326;POINT(-4.478494358628533 54.1893743942604)');

    enter image description here


    WITH j (created_on,geog) AS (
        created_on, ST_Union(geog::geometry)
      FROM my_points
      GROUP BY created_on
    SELECT ST_Extent(geog) FROM j
    GROUP BY created_on;
     BOX(-4.563638401597283 54.28408149183809,-4.44759531077697 54.32254424440715)
     BOX(-4.52449960765197 54.1893743942604,-4.478494358628533 54.23234056232733)

    enter image description here