I have this perl code below:
use strict;
use warnings;
sub powerset(&@) {
my $callback = shift;
my $bitmask = '';
my $bytes = @_/8;
my @indices = grep vec($bitmask, $_, 1), 0..$#_;
$callback->( @_[@indices] );
++vec($bitmask, $_, 8) and last for 0 .. $bytes;
redo if @indices != @_;
powerset { print "[@_]\n" } 1..21;
I'm trying to figure out how I can only run n times (say 6 times the powerset subroutine). i tried use it:
$x = 0;
while ($x <= 6) {
$x ++;
powerset() ;
On run 6 times I mean run to the sixth printed line, in this case to powerset {print "[@_]\n"} 1..21;
matches up to the impression of
[1 2]
[1 3]
[2 3]
But I don't know where I would apply it $x = 0; while ($x <= 6) { $x ++; powerset() ; }
, if inside the sub powerset()
or outside, it seems to me that inside the sub because where the routine is happening.
i know i should use die
or return
to get out of running a subroutine and that somewhere in while i should use maybe else
, but i still don't see how to structure this in the code.
I feel that I should better understand the function of the variables $bitmask
, $bytes
, $callback
, because as it is a lazy evaluation, the way of counting the execution is different.
Further research on how to run a perl subroutine leads me to questions about using timers that depend on the elapsed time in seconds rather than the number of times the subroutine is executed.
Here is an example of how you can constrain the number of times the callback is called:
use feature qw(state);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub powerset(&@) {
my $callback = shift;
my $bitmask = '';
my $bytes = @_/8;
my @indices = grep vec($bitmask, $_, 1), 0..$#_;
$callback->( @_[@indices] );
++vec($bitmask, $_, 8) and last for 0 .. $bytes;
redo if @indices != @_;
my $limit = 6;
state $counter = 0;
die "limit reached" if ++$counter > $limit;
print "[@_]\n"