I have a listview that's bound to a ListCollectionView. The LCV has a single sortdescription at any time. I am updating the collection in this manner:
IEditableCollectionView IEditView = lvBatches.Items as IEditableCollectionView;
IEditView.EditItem(m_collectionView.CurrentItem);//I've also tried passing MyListView.SelectedItem
((TestData)IEditView.CurrentEditItem).start = frm.newDate;
((TestData)IEditView.CurrentEditItem).edited = true;
However, when I do, nothing happens to the listview's items. If I re-sort the list, the changes are then reflected. A Refresh() on the collection also updates the listview, but that's like using a stick of dynamite to open a soda can, from what I gather.
Does anyone have any ideas. My above code looks like the examples I'm seeing around the 'net so I don't think that's the problem. Are there any common mistakes people make anyone is aware of, maybe something to do with the sorting? I had it working and now it's not and I have no idea what broke it.
Thanks in advance.
Are you calling NotifyPropertyChanged? If a Refesh() shows the correct values then most likely they are in the collection but the UI has to know to update value.