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Show component based on an event within child component in Blazor

I've trying to render child components based on a click event.

At a basic level I'm trying this


@if (!TheBoolean)
    <Child1 OnClickCallback="ClickHandler" />

@if (TheBoolean)
    <Child2 OnClickCallback="ClickHandler" />

@code {
    private bool TheBoolean { get; set; }

    private void ClickHandler(bool theBoolean)
        TheBoolean = theBoolean;

The code from Child 1 and 2, the logic would be almost the same, one would pass true, the other false.

<button type="button" @onclick="@(() => OnClickCallback.InvokeAsync(false))">Finish</button>

@code {
    public EventCallback<bool> OnClickCallback { get; set; }

I'm sure either I'm missing something or doing something wrong (or perhaps both). I'm trying to get the parent component to render a certain child component based on the callback value of a child component. Hopefully that's clear. Thanks.


  • TheBoolean property your updating is missing.

    @if (!TheBoolean)
        <Child1 OnClickCallback="ClickHandler" />
    @if (TheBoolean)
        <Child2 OnClickCallback="ClickHandler" />
    @code {
        private bool TheBoolean { get; set; }
        private void ClickHandler(bool theBoolean)
            TheBoolean = theBoolean;

    Here is a working Fiddle

    As this example is boolean then this would be better :

    @if (TheBoolean)
        <Child2 OnClickCallback="ClickHandler" />
        <Child1 OnClickCallback="ClickHandler" />