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Angular 2 Lifecycle Hooks, change detection and ngZone

I have an Angular app where the user presses a button and trigger an animation. Basically it's two pictures switching with each other to create a running illusion.

At first my character is still then as we start to play, its pictures animate, but as it animates I get:


My html:

<img [src]="isPlaying == false ? '' : run()"/>

<button (click)="play()">Run</button>

My Ts:

  isPlaying: boolean = false;
  rightFoot: boolean = true;

  play() {        
    this.isPlaying = !this.isPlaying
    setInterval(() => {}, 200);

  run() {       
    this.rightFoot = !this.rightFoot;
    if (this.rightFoot == false) {
      return '';
    } else {
      return '';

My error code:

Error: NG0100: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value for 'src': ''. Current value: ''..

I understand it has something to do with change detection. I have read documentation about ngZone, how it can track changes with setInterval() and I added it in my code but with no sucess :

play() {    
    this.isPlaying = !this.isPlaying => {
      setInterval(() => {}, 200);})

This is a working StackBlitz of my issue. How should I implement ngZone so I don't get the ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError anymore?


  • It is happening as the run method is trying to change image path in the same change detection cycle. it is being invoked from template as well as from the component:

    I have modified your code to fix this issue, please check the below stackblitz: