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How to include JavaScript file inside a Velocity template?

I have a JS file having contents: function rejectIfNotSuccess(response) {} usernameChanged(event) {} for example, and I want to include this file in my velocity template in order to do things the same way we do in an HTML file.

For example, I want to call a function defined in this JS file in velocity using <input type="text" id="username" onInput="javascript:usernameChanged(event)" />

How can I do so? I read here about a way to do so, which may work. But, are there any other better ways of doing the same?

Thanks Stephen for your answer!


  • Basically you do it that same way that you would do it if you were writing the HTML file by hand. Embed an appropriate <script> element into the velocity template that generates that HTML.

    (The <script> element could contain the function declaration, or it could use a src link to load a document containing the Javascript from your server. See for examples.)