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Using VBA for a cycle loop between sheets of an excel file

I'm very new to VBA and have a question. Sorry if it sounds really basic. I will appreciate any help. I have an excel file having 9 sheets (Names: Total, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21). First, I want to copy the second row of each sheet in order from sheets "0", "3", "6", "9", "12", "15", "18", "21" and paste them in rows "A2:X2" to "A9:X9" of sheet "Total". Then I want to repeat this with third rows, fourth rows, until the 365th row.

The most simple code for the first two sections will be like this but I want to write it like a loop using (for) or any other things to make it easy to use.

Sub Copy_rows()
' copying the second rows:
Worksheets("0").Range("A2:X2").Copy Worksheets("Total").Range("A2:X2")
Worksheets("3").Range("A2:X2").Copy Worksheets("Total").Range("A3:X3")
Worksheets("6").Range("A2:X2").Copy Worksheets("Total").Range("A4:X4")
Worksheets("9").Range("A2:X2").Copy Worksheets("Total").Range("A5:X5")
Worksheets("12").Range("A2:X2").Copy Worksheets("Total").Range("A6:X6")
Worksheets("15").Range("A2:X2").Copy Worksheets("Total").Range("A7:X7")
Worksheets("18").Range("A2:X2").Copy Worksheets("Total").Range("A8:X8")
Worksheets("21").Range("A2:X2").Copy Worksheets("Total").Range("A9:X9")

'Copying the third rows:
Worksheets("0").Range("A3:X3").Copy Worksheets("Total").Range("A10:X10")
Worksheets("3").Range("A3:X3").Copy Worksheets("Total").Range("A11:X11")
Worksheets("6").Range("A3:X3").Copy Worksheets("Total").Range("A12:X12")
Worksheets("9").Range("A3:X3").Copy Worksheets("Total").Range("A13:X13")
Worksheets("12").Range("A3:X3").Copy Worksheets("Total").Range("A14:X14")
Worksheets("15").Range("A3:X3").Copy Worksheets("Total").Range("A15:X15")
Worksheets("18").Range("A3:X3").Copy Worksheets("Total").Range("A16:X16")
Worksheets("21").Range("A3:X3").Copy Worksheets("Total").Range("A17:X17")

End Sub

Thank you in advance.


  • Logic

    1. Look for trends. For example worksheet names.. 0-3-6...21. It increments by 3.
    2. Rows numbers are fixed. 2 To 365
    3. Instead of copying in a loop, store the values in an array and then output the array in one go. It will be SUPERFAST.
    4. There are 364 rows, 24 columns per sheet and 8 sheets in total. So you need 364 * 8 row array with 24 columns to store the data.


    Try this. This code took less than a second to run.

    Option Explicit
    Sub Sample()
        Dim Ar As Variant
        Dim TotalRows As Long
        '~~> 364 rows per sheet * 8 sheets
        TotalRows = 364 * 8
        ReDim Ar(1 To TotalRows, 1 To 24)
        Dim i As Long
        Dim j As Long
        Dim k As Long
        Dim rw As Long: rw = 1
        '~~> Loop through the rows
        For j = 2 To 365
            '~~> Loop through 8 worksheets from 0 to 21
            For i = 0 To 21 Step 3
                '~~> Loop through the columns
                For k = 1 To 24
                    Ar(rw, k) = Worksheets(CStr(i)).Cells(j, k).Value
                Next k
                '~~> Increment row in array
                rw = rw + 1
            Next i
        Next j
        '~~> Output to total worksheet
        Worksheets("Total").Range("A2").Resize(UBound(Ar), 24).Value = Ar
    End Sub

    To test, I used this Sample File. Run the code Sample in Module1