Thank you for your answers, in advance.
My end goal is to produce a scatter-plot - corruption as an explanatory variable (x axis, from a DataFrame 'corr') and inequality as a dependent variable (y axis, from a DataFrame 'inq'). A hint to produce an informative table (DataFrame) by joining these two Dataframes would be much appreciated I have a dataframe 'inq' for a country inequality (GINI index) and another one 'corr' for country corruption index.
"country": {0: "Angola", 1: "Albania", 2: "United Arab Emirates"},
"1975": {0: nan, 1: nan, 2: nan},
"1976": {0: nan, 1: nan, 2: nan},
"2017": {0: nan, 1: 33.2, 2: nan},
"2018": {0: 51.3, 1: nan, 2: nan},
"country": {0: "Afghanistan", 1: "Angola", 2: "Albania"},
"1975": {0: 44.8, 1: 48.1, 2: 75.1},
"1976": {0: 44.8, 1: 48.1, 2: 75.1},
"2018": {0: 24.2, 1: 40.4, 2: 28.4},
"2019": {0: 40.5, 1: 37.6, 2: 35.9},
I concatenate and manipulate and get
cm = pd.concat([inq, corr], axis=0, keys=["Inequality", "Corruption"]).reset_index(
level=1, drop=True
a new Dataframe
"indicator": {0: "Inequality", 1: "Inequality", 2: "Inequality"},
"country": {0: "Angola", 1: "Albania", 2: "United Arab Emirates"},
"1967": {0: nan, 1: nan, 2: nan},
"1969": {0: nan, 1: nan, 2: nan},
"2018": {0: 51.3, 1: nan, 2: nan},
"2019": {0: nan, 1: nan, 2: nan},
You should concatenate your dataframe in a different way:
df = (pd.concat([inq.set_index('country'),
keys=["Inequality", "Corruption"]
Inequality Corruption
Angola 1975 NaN 48.1
1976 NaN 48.1
2018 51.3 40.4
2019 NaN 37.6
Albania 1975 NaN 75.1
1976 NaN 75.1
2017 33.2 NaN
2018 NaN 28.4
2019 NaN 35.9
Afghanistan 1975 NaN 44.8
1976 NaN 44.8
2018 NaN 24.2
2019 NaN 40.5
Then to plot:
df.plot.scatter(x='Corruption', y='Inequality')
NB. there is only one point as most of your data is NaN