I'm new to Neo4j. I'm kind of got stuck for loading a JSON file into Neo4j database. I have a list of tags for many transactions. Each transaction tag can have one or two tags: third-party and category.
Here is an example JSON.
"tags": [
"thirdParty": "Supermarkets"
"category": "Groceries"
"category": "Rent"
"thirdParty": "Education"
"category": "Education"
I only want to find objects that have both category and thirdParty(some objects only have one tag).
And here is my code, the list is just a list of categories I want.
CALL apoc.load.json("file:///full.json")
YIELD value
with ['Gambling','Subscription TV','Telecommunications'] as list
UNWIND value.tags as tags
WITH [tag in tags where tag.category IN list AND tag.thirdParty IS NOT NULL] AS temp
The weird thing is this always return me a list null. But with only one condition then it will work, like only find objects in the list or only thirdParty is not null. But combine the 2 conditions together, it will always return a list of null.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
seems to return a list of maps, not a map. But the good thing is that with apoc, you can convert it easily.
this works:
thirdParty: "Supermarkets"
category: "Groceries"
category: "Rent"
thirdParty: "Education"
category: "Education"
AS tagsList
WITH tagsList, ['Groceries','Subscription TV','Telecommunications'] as list
UNWIND tagsList as tags
WITH list,
REDUCE(arr=[],tag IN tags |
) AS tagMap
WHERE tagMap.category IN list AND tagMap.thirdParty IS NOT NULL
"thirdParty": "Supermarkets",
"category": "Groceries"