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Copy value of partnered (infant) variable to original (mother)

I have Dyadic (mother/infant) repeated measures data in long form.

I have three ID variables: Individual ID, Dyad ID, and "status".

ID DYAD Status date infant weight
001 01 0 01/01
101 01 1 01/01 10
001 01 0 02/02
101 01 1 02/02 20
002 02 0 01/01
102 02 1 01/01 11
002 02 0 02/02
102 02 1 02/02 21

I want to add infant weight to the mother's rows based on key variables: date and DYAD ID. So final results should look like:

ID DYAD Status date infant weight
001 01 0 01/01 10
101 01 1 01/01 10

Normally, I do it entirely through the GUI by creating a new mini-dataset by 1) selecting only infants (status ==1) and 2) with only key variables and variables of interest, delete infant weight from original and merge data sets: add variables based on key values.

This works fine, but I know there must be a way to do this with syntax.


  • You can do this by aggregating:

    aggregate /outfile=* mode=addvariables overwritevars=yes
              /break=DYAD date /infant_weight=max(infant_weight).

    Since in any pair of rows with the combined DYAD and Date there will be one row with a value in infant_weight and one row empty, the aggregate will fill the blank row with the maximum value of the pair - which is just the weight from the infant's row.