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Hololens Video recording not showing UI elements

We're working with the Hololens 2 and sadly when recording a video, taking an image or going into the live-view, Unity UI elements are not shown in the image/video.

Does anybody know how we can make Unity UI elements appear in video & photo capture in Hololens?

Here is an example where below the title there is text present, but not captured in the image.

Image of UI window with missing text below title

The title part uses a TextMeshPro component, while the text part uses a TextMeshProUGUI component (due to the scrolling window of the text.)

We're using Unity 2020.3.6f1, MRTK 2.7.2 with OpenXR backend.

Thanks for any help and recommendations.


  • The issue was that our Unity version was not updated, as hinted out in this github issue. Simply updating to the newest Unity version solved the problem.