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How do I make a dotted/dashed line in Jetpack Compose?

I'd need to replicate android XML view from this answer but in Jetpack Compose with pure kotlin


  • You can simply use a Canvas with the method drawLine applying as pathEffect a PathEffect.dashPathEffect:

        val pathEffect = PathEffect.dashPathEffect(floatArrayOf(10f, 10f), 0f)
        Canvas(Modifier.fillMaxWidth().height(1.dp)) {
                color = Color.Red,
                start = Offset(0f, 0f),
                end = Offset(size.width, 0f),
                pathEffect = pathEffect

    enter image description here

    You can also apply the same pathEffect to other method as:

        val stroke = Stroke(width = 2f,
          pathEffect = PathEffect.dashPathEffect(floatArrayOf(10f, 10f), 0f)
           drawRoundRect(color = Color.Red,style = stroke)

    enter image description here