Shopify, out of the box, only supports 3 levels deep menus (welcome to 2021).
What is a good approach to implement deeper nested menus?
things that come to mind:
manually sub-nest menus in the theme files.
E.g. create menu
and another menu MAIN1-LVL2
then put the MAIN1-LVL2 like so
same with MAIN2-LVL2
Another approach I thought about putting the menu data into settings_data.json
Is there another good way to do that?
The usual way is to create a recursive snippet that will check if there is a menu dropdown OR an another menu with the same menu title and output the links.
So for example if you have:
Navigation Title: Main menu
- Home
- About
- - Company
- - History
- - - Link 1
- - - Link 2
- - People
- Contact
Navigation Title: Company
- Link 1
- Link 2
There will be a standard dropdown for the About and History, but Company will render the second menu called with the same name.
If you are worried that you will have name collision you can prefix the menu with dropdown-
and the snippet will check if the navigation has the same title with the prefix.
This is how most premium themes handles mega menus in Shopify.