I'm connecting to a remote JanusGraph server. There is no problem with the connection but I can't understand the Java API.
I'm running a Java Spring HTTP server. Inside the HTTP response method, I'm creating a graph traversal source like
GraphTraversalSource g = traversal().withRemote("conf/remote-graph.properties");
It seems fine. But When I want to get data about a Vertex I can not with the below code.
If I do the same with gremlin shell, I see it. See the below picture
If I do g.V(28712).valueMap(true).unfold().toList();
in Java, I see some results.
I just want to fetch data for a vertex or edge with Java. How should I do that?
By default, when you connect to a Gremlin Server using one of the Gremlin clients and you ask for a vertex, what you get back is a reference vertex. A reference vertex just contains the ID and the label. To get some properties you need to include them using valueMap
, elementMap
, project
etc. Alternatively you can configure the Gremlin Server to return all properties. The default is set this way to reduce the amount of data that gets sent back to a client.
Please see the documentation for further details.
There is a link in that documentation to a post about why the decisions were made. For convenience, I am including that link here as well.