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what is equivalent zf-each-breakpoint in bootstrap 5?

i was using zf-each-breakpoint in foundation and now want use it in bootstrap

 @include -zf-each-breakpoint {
    // x2 Block grid
    @for $i from 2 through $block-grid-max {
      .#{$-zf-size}-up-#{$i} {
        @include flex-grid-layout($i / 2, '.column.x2');

what is equivalent zf-each-breakpoint in bootstrap 5?


  • There's no direct equivalent since Bootstrap is built differently.

    The breakpoints are all stored in the $grid-breakpoints map:

    $grid-breakpoints: (
      xs: 0,
      sm: 576px,
      md: 768px,
      lg: 992px,
      xl: 1200px,
      xxl: 1400px

    Which can be iterated over like any SASS map..

    @each $breakpoint in map-keys($breakpoints) {