I'm trying to load views from module folder, since CI always look for views in App/View folder, how this can be overwritten to give complete path from ROOTPATH instead of APPPATH/Views
$parser = \Config\Services::parser();
$parser->setData(['variable' => $variable])->render('modules\PluginName\Views\index');
Error CodeIgniter\View\Exceptions\ViewException Invalid file: {path/to/project}/app/Config/../Views/modules/PluginName/Views/index.php
You are using a path relative to the default Views path.
You could either:
1. Edit the line below in your Config/Path.php file in CodeIgniter 4 folder structure:
public $viewDirectory = __DIR__ . '/../Views';
public $viewDirectory = '/modules/PluginName/Views';
From the comments in the file:
This variable must contain the name of the directory that contains the view files used by your application. By default this is in app/Views
. This value
is used when no value is provided to Services::renderer()
2. Set it as an absolute path for that parser:
$parser->setData(['variable' => $variable])->render('/modules/PluginName/Views/index');
Notice the slash / at the begining of the path.